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Blues Guitar Soloing & the Cat's Nine-Lives!

Learn how to enhance your improvisation skills with the Twelve-Bar Blues pattern and dominant 9th tones. This chord progression creates a...


Regular, habitual practice is vital to increasing your musical potential. Excellent articulation involves understanding sound and...

5 Vital Major Scales for Rock, Jazz & Blues

Scale playing is essential for growing your guitar skills and for advancing commercial guitar performance. Habitual scale practice can...

The Power of Music & Surgery/Health Care

Do certain types of music benefit surgical patients? By: Keith L. Cooper In a simple Google search, “How do I prepare for surgery,” it is...

Connect-Four 5th-String Root Guitar Knowledge

From economy picking, to sweep arpeggios and colorful chords, swing-jazz feel patterns, Swing it!

Connect-Four: Minor Guitar Tonality

Knowledge of tonality in one area on the fretboard can broaden your horizon of improvisation, performance, and composition on the guitar

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